by Michael Mazure
The planting scheme was developed using the donated plant material and plants on-hand from the school area. Incorporating the diverse material challenged the design but this was not insurmountable once an overall theme was conceived.
The overall theme for the planting concept was based on history (e.g. Past teachers, etc), renewal and diversity whereas the pathway itself symbolized the walkway of life.
The pathway has its starting point at the perennial bed, which in itself represents the yearly renewal and ever blooming of flowers, which come back each year similar to the students who return for yet another year at Pleasant Corners Public School.
Though not mentioned, the first bed planting contains a Bur Oak tree (standing alone). Al Dunsmore was instrumental in establishing PCPS when he was Superintendent at the time. His objective in the school design itself was the central location of the library as the hub of learning, with classrooms around its perimeter. Like all oak trees, this species stands tall and ‘’mighty’’ and will last through the ages to grow strong and to tower over all others as it seeks sunlight (wisdom) and spreads its branches (knowledge).

At this point the path splits and heads towards the play structure and the outdoor classroom. The idea here is that the children are at school to play and be safe, have fun and make friends. The other direction towards the outdoor classroom signifies that the children are also attending school to learn and receive an education.
The last area in the design is the Teachers Garden/Forest. As educators, teachers must be recognized. Their tireless efforts and devotion provide the foundation of learning for the adults of tomorrow and truly sets them apart from other professions. This planting is set apart from the other areas and is situated adjacent to the school. This in my mind is truly their special area and should remain so till perpetuity.
Michael Mazure
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“In Memory / To Honor…
In Memory of/to Honor - Purchaser - Tree or Shrub
- Allan Dunsmore & Therese Belenger-Dunsmore - Michael Mazur - Bur Oak
- Roger Anthony Booth - Booth/MacCormick Family - Syrinsa 'Ludwig Spaeth'
- Bill & Alice McKinnon - Don & Marlene McKinnon & Family - Crimson King Maple
- Bob Bennett - Linda Bennett - Sugar Maple
- (Communities That Care) - CTC Youth Group - Crabapple Radiant
- Carrie Greenwald - Mark Greenwald - Crimson King Maple
- For the Kids - Barbara Neate - Acer 'Crimson King'
- For the Kids - Mme Losos - Princeton Gold Maple
- Helen MacLeod - Melissa MacPhee - Weeping Mulberry
- Helga & Karl Wieferig (Oma & Opa) - Tamra Lavoie - Syringa Pocahontas
- Horace Nixon & Betty Nixon - Don & Marlene McKinnon & Family - Emerald Queen Maple
- Ian MacWhirter - Greta MacWhirter - Japanese Lilac
- Jean Ward - Karl Holmes - Harvest Gold Decorative Crabapple
- John Gregoire - Monique Gregoire - Crimson King Maple
- Linda Burwash - PCPS Staff - Norway Maple
- Lisa + Linda MacKinnon + Michael Rosenquist - Amelanchie Canadensis 'Serviceberry'
- M. McCall - Mongolian Linden - Harvest Gold
- Monica Vogel - Fraxinus Autumn Purple
- Omi - the Tollis Family - French White Lilac
- Richard Hague - Paul & Elisabeth & Family - Emerald Queen Maple
- Roger Schaerer - Family of Schaerer- Young's Weeping Birch
- Ronny Kerec - Sonia Kerec & Family - Emerald Cedar (x2)
- Ronald Handfield - La Famille Handfield - Crimson King Red Maple
- Sharon Macleod - Melissa MacPhee - Maple Red Crimson
- Rhonda Lynn Robinson (Nov 24, 1965 - July 26, 1980) - Sheila Robinson - Twisty Baby Locust
- Tom Higginson - PCPS Staff - Sugar Maple Acer Saccharum
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MRS. DUNSMORE PLANS OUR NATIVE GARDENGreat thanks to Mrs. Therese Dunsmore, a former French teacher at PCPS whom has provided us with a preliminary drawing of the garden she has designed for us. We are trying to create a garden with as many native perennials as possible as they are hardier for our environment. This is a good opportunity to mention what items are needed and how much…
Dimensions of the garden - 60 square metres
How much topsoil is required - 18 cubic metres
How much mulch is required - 4 cubic metres
How much edging is required - 60 metres
Approx time for use of backhoe to prepare the plot – 2/3 hours