Our Playground Master Plan
Below is a drawing that shows what & where everything is going.  We hope this gives you a good visualization.  Please note that it is a "draft" at this point in time...

Potential Playground Structures/Equipment
We decided to put up a separate page to show everyone the various equipment involved with our playground project.

In this area I am showing you the various playground structures/equipment that we are proposing to purchase for the children to play on. We are planning a structure for the kindergarten area and for the senior area, along with other various climbing structures in the senior area.

I hope this helps give a better visual for what we are aiming for...

Typical Tool List
Below is a typical tool list indicating what will be required to build the playground on May 29, 2010.  Hopefully most items will be either donated or brought by our dedicated volunteers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for putting these up. They give a good idea of the scope of this project. And along with the students of PCPS, ALL our kids will be able to play here. It will be great for parents with one kid in a soccer game and two others who have become restless waiting for their sibling's game to be over.