For the Gardens: 2 large pyramid or emerald cedars / 6 hostas / top soil / Landscape Paper
For the Raised Humming Bird Garden: 2 wood (or metal) climbing trellis –or- 20 feet of chicken wire + metal fasteners for the brick wall / Holly Hock seeds / Morning Glory seeds / Honeysuckle vines
Circular Tree Garden (10 ‘ diameter): Bone meal (root starter) / Tulip bulbs /Chrysanthemums (fall blooming) / Annuals to get colour right away / 20 “ diameter log rounds 14+16 “in height (natural seating) / Sand paper (electric sanders)
- 2 Large Planters for the front of garden shed / 2 Alberta spruce (dwarf) / Petunias (1 tray) / 30 cedar logs 5: diameter, 12 ‘ long or longer / Chain saw ( to cut these logs into pieces) / 1 doz 8 foot spruce strapping / 1.5 pounds 2” wood screws
Fence Post Plantings: Sunflower seeds / Black plastic edging / (12 posts)
Other Tools: 5 gallon pails for water / Large 4” paint brushes (1 doz) / Small 2” paint brushes (1 doz) / Straight rakes / Fan rakes / Shovels / Wheel barrows
For the Raised Humming Bird Garden: 2 wood (or metal) climbing trellis –or- 20 feet of chicken wire + metal fasteners for the brick wall / Holly Hock seeds / Morning Glory seeds / Honeysuckle vines
Circular Tree Garden (10 ‘ diameter): Bone meal (root starter) / Tulip bulbs /Chrysanthemums (fall blooming) / Annuals to get colour right away / 20 “ diameter log rounds 14+16 “in height (natural seating) / Sand paper (electric sanders)
- 2 Large Planters for the front of garden shed / 2 Alberta spruce (dwarf) / Petunias (1 tray) / 30 cedar logs 5: diameter, 12 ‘ long or longer / Chain saw ( to cut these logs into pieces) / 1 doz 8 foot spruce strapping / 1.5 pounds 2” wood screws
Fence Post Plantings: Sunflower seeds / Black plastic edging / (12 posts)
Other Tools: 5 gallon pails for water / Large 4” paint brushes (1 doz) / Small 2” paint brushes (1 doz) / Straight rakes / Fan rakes / Shovels / Wheel barrows
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