Sunday, February 21, 2010

F.A.Q.'s (Frequently Asked Questions)

- Wavier and release form? This form will be emailed to you prior to the event, please fill it out and bring it with you on that Saturday (Build day). This will speed up the registration process and will help to get you working and making a difference quicker!
- What to wear? Dress for activity, although none of the work is overly strenuous, you should be dressed for working around the “yard”. If you are painting, working on the playgrounds or any of the other types of work... you are going to get dirty and want to dress for it...please no open toe shoes or sandals, better safe than sorry. Please bring work gloves if you have them!
- What is the schedule for the day? You will receive a schedule for the day one week prior to the event and it will be posted on the web site at that time as well
- What if it rains? The project goes rain or shine...only in a case of extreme weather would we the unlikely event that happened we would go the following Saturday
- When do we eat? Coffee will be served in the morning and bottled water will be available throughout the whole day. Lunch will be served from 11:30 am till 1 pm.
- Do we still need more help? We need all the help we can get. Please come with your teams from work and wear a shirt identified with the logo (if available) or anything that represents your group...that is part of the fun!

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